My career as a designer has been marked by high-reaching aspirations and notable achievements, beginning with my five-year tenure at Pixar Animation Studios where I had the honor of contributing to some of the most memorable moments in recent animation history. My designs appeared in six feature films and were showcased on merchandise, apparel, billboards, Disneyland rides, prestigious design magazines, logo anthologies, animation books, and international art galleries. Later, as a lead designer at a prolific, award-winning marketing studio, I served Fortune 500 companies such as Visa, Coca-Cola, Google, Samsung, Amazon, and Johnson & Johnson with various branding, packaging, and marketing efforts.

Today, as a freelance designer, I focus on ethical, eco-conscious, and evolutionary projects. I lend my extensive design toolkit to diverse clients, including personal brands, holistic healers, conscious communities, bio-plastic engineers, and ethical clothing designers. I aspire to assist these ventures in achieving the brand equity, visual credibility, and strategic advantages typically reserved for the most elite companies and corporate enterprises.

My journey as an independent contractor and digital nomad has allowed me to explore new creative territories, including product design, copywriting, photography, videography, editing, and consulting within the animation, film, video game development, product, food, service, and holistic health industries. Beyond design, I’ve contributed to public discourse on holistic healing, gender equality, spirituality, and sustainability through blogging, public speaking, and social media.

Reflecting on my background and origin story, no matter how far from home I wander, I remain forever influenced by my early exposure to creativity and the natural world in rural Pennsylvania. As a child, I marveled at the tree logo my mother designed for my parents' landscaping business and was captivated as my dad's blueprints transformed into stunning outdoor spaces. These experiences ignited my lifelong passions for design and environmentalism, principles that continue to impact the work I’m drawn to today.

Born between Gen Xers and Millennials, I belong to the “Xennial” microgeneration, a unique position that enhances my ability to communicate effectively with diverse audiences. Growing up in an analog world, Xennials came into adulthood during the most monumental technological shifts of the Information Age. These experiences give us a rare, bird’s eye perspective on the costs and benefits of such advancements, fostering a personality type that embraces radical change while possessing a unique aptitude for critical analysis and perpetual evaluation of our collective choices. Xennials are often hailed as instrumental mediators, arbiters, and visionaries who never cease to question the status quo, perpetually seeking improvement and revision to the systems that shape our future.

In everything I do, I strive to weave together my love of creativity, innovation, and the deep respect I feel for the natural world and the diverse peoples of our planet. This holistic approach shapes the way I navigate the infinite challenges, design problems, and possibilities that life presents, one project at a time.